With Blackbaud Guided Fundraising, you can coordinate your outreach across Phone, Email, and Direct Mail to create a unique outreach experience for your constituents. The system will track which prospects are ready to receive a direct mailing. You will be able to export the list and send out the letter knowing that it is reaching the prospect at the right stage in the play. Since Blackbaud Guided Fundraising keeps prospects with the same agent throughout the outreach Play, it will include the name of the agent on the mailing list so that you can personalize the letter as coming from the prospect's assigned agent. To get started, first create a mailing list in the Mailing Lists section of Guided Fundraising.
Before you can add a mailing list to your play, you will need to create a mailing list. You can have multiple different mailing lists if you are sending different types of direct mail pieces to your constituents at different stages in a campaign, or across different campaigns. Creating different mailing lists will help you track which mail piece should be sent to the constituent.
To create a mailing list, you only need to provide a name and a description. This will help you identify which mail piece the list is for. You can also provide an appeal code, which will help link back donors to the mailing list for reporting and analytics.
After you've created the mailing list, you'll need to add the mailing list to a Play so that entities can be added to the list.
Once you've created a mailing list, go to the Campaigns section of Blackbaud Guided Fundraising and open the campaign. Navigate to the Play section of the campaign. Add a mailing list step to the play, or if a mailing list step already exists, select the mailing list you just created from the drop down on the mailing list step.
Note: Campaigns must be in a draft status in order to add, edit, or remove steps from the play.
As entities reach the mailing list step in their campaign play, they are added to the mailing list you selected for that step in the play. When you open a mailing list, you will first see all new entities on the list. You can then export the new entities on a regular basis, such as once per week. When you export groups of entities, you will be asked to provide a drop date for that group of entities. This will allow Blackbaud Guided Fundraising to track when different groups of entities were sent the mailing. After providing the drop date and submitting your export, the status for the group of entities will change to Sent. If you need to access the Sent list of entities, you can switch the drop down above the mailing list table from New to Sent. You will be able to view the drop date of each of the sent entities on the list.