Bank Guarantee Sample Clauses

Bank Guarantee. (See Clause 7) Penal sum of bond (express in words and figures) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT Mr./MESSERS (Name of contractor) Whose official address is As principal(s) (herein after referred to as principal) and the Bank of Punjab or scheduled Bank(s) of Pakistan (hereinafter appearing in the schedule of sureties, as sureties (hereinafter some time called the surety at the request of the principal are held and firmly bond to the Government of the Punjab acting through the Executive Engineer Division or his successor or assigns) a body organized and existing under and by virtue of laws of the Government of the Punjab, in the penal sum of the amount stated above lawful money for the payment of which sum well and truly made we bind ourselves our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. PROVIDED THAT We, the sureties, bound ourselves in such sum jointly and severally, as well as, severally only for the purpose of allowing a joint actions against any or all of us and for all other purposes, each surety bond itself, jointly and severally with the principal for the payment of such sum only as set forth opposite its name in the following schedule:- SCHEDULE OF SURETIES Name of bank, branch and address limit of liability The conditions of the above obligations is such that:

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Bank Guarantee. In addition to the Common Articles, it is specified that: In order to guaranty the proper execution of its contractual obligations pursuant to the Contract and/or Order(s), the Supplier shall issue in favor of the Purchaser a first demand and irrevocable performance bond from a first class bank or other financial institutes agreed by the Purchaser, to guaranty good performance by the Supplier of its obligations under the Contract. The Supplier shall issue the bond within thirty (30) days after issuance of the SPC or of the Order. Each performance bond shall amountto fifteen per cent (15%) of the total value of the concerned SPC and / or Order. Each performance bond shall expire when the relevant services have been fully performed in compliance with the Contract.

Bank Guarantee. 18.1 In order to secure the obligations of the Company under clause 17.2 of this document to pay liquidated damages, the Company must on or before the Licensing Date provide to the State an unconditional guarantee or letter of credit issued by a bank or banks acceptable to the State's Nominated Representative and in such form approved by the State's Nominated Representative to pay to the State on demand up to $25 000 000.

Bank Guarantee. If specifically requested by UNRWA, prior to the signature of the Contract, the Contractor shall provide a banker’s guarantee from a bank acceptable to UNRWA in the form, amount and manner prescribed by UNRWA.

Bank Guarantee. 16.1 This general condition only applies if the applicable box in the particulars of sale is checked.

Bank Guarantee. 4.1 On or before 1 January 2000, the Company must provide to the State an unconditional guarantee or letter of credit issued by a bank or banks acceptable to the State's Nominated Representative and in a form approved by the State's Nominated Representative to pay to the State on demand up to $25 000 000.

Bank Guarantee. Borrower shall provide to MFGT a valid, unconditional and irrevocable bank guarantee for payment issued by a certified credit institution accepted by MFGT, of which: - the exclusive beneficiary shall be MFGT, and which - shall be in the amount: covering the market value of the Natural Gas Lent, that is EUR (that is euros.) which shall be calculated using the following formula: CEGH* Quantity Lent (MWh) where: CEGH: Market price on which the bank guarantee is based, being the higher value of the following: (i) 30 EUR/MWh; (ii) 150% of the daily “Settlement Price” published on the day MFGT receives the Borrower’s request for the conclusion of the Gas Loan contract, in the "CEGH AT VTP Front Month Single Day Select” section for the month following the base month, rounded to 3 decimal digits in EUR/MWh. If on the day MFGT receives the Borrower’s request for the conclusion of the Gas Loan contract, no daily “Settlement Price” is published in the "CEGH AT VTP Front Month Single Day Select” section for the month following the base month, 150% of the last daily “Settlement Price” published in the "CEGH AT VTP Front Month Single Day Select" section for the month following the base month. xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/gas-futures-market In as far as the Borrower uses other storage service(s) and offered a bank guarantee as a payment collateral, the bank guarantee securing the fee of other storage services may not be set off from the bank guarantee amount due pursuant to this contract.

Bank Guarantee. (a) If the Developer elects to provide a Bank Guarantee instead of paying the first instalment of the Monetary Contribution as set out in clause 6.1(b), the Developer must provide to the Council a Bank Guarantee in an amount equivalent to 75% of the Monetary Contribution prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate for the Development.

Bank Guarantee. The Contractor shall hold a valid irrevocable bank guarantee for the Contract in the form shown at Annex A, from a bank that shall be subject to acceptance by the Authority. The value of the guarantee shall be £750,000 (Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand pounds), but this value shall be subject to regular review. If for any reason during the period of Contract the Guarantee is withdrawn or changed in any way, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Authority. No sales shall be made under the Contract, nor any residual assets declared to the Contractor, should an acceptable Guarantee not be held by the Contractor.

Bank Guarantee. 1. Within the 04/01/2017, the SHIPPER shall provide ENI with a credit guarantee on first demand issued by an internationally Primary Bank (the "Bank Guarantee") for an amount equivalent to 3 (three) monthly Subletting Fee as per Article 9. The Bank Guarantee must be conformed to the form herein attached as Annex F. The Bank Guarantee shall be in force until the date specified in clause 3 of Annex F and shall guarantee all the payments due under the Contract.