Handbook of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination

1. The study of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination within social psychology : a quick history of theory and research / Charles Stangor -- Defining stereotypes and prejudice -- Predicting prejudice: the prejudiced personality -- Etiology -- Influence: using stereotypes and prejudice -- 2. Development of racial and ethnic prejudice among children / Sheri R. Levy and Julie Milligan Hughes -- Theories of the origins of prejudice among children -- Social learning approach -- Linguistic connotation theorizing -- Multicultural theorizing -- Antiracist theorizing -- Colorblind theorizing -- Mere exposure theorizing -- Extended contact theory -- Intergroup contact theory -- cognitive approach -- Social-cognitive developmental approaches -- Social identity development theory -- Common ingroup identity model -- Developmental model of subjective group dynamics -- Social domain model -- Social-developmental perspective on lay theories -- Developmental intergroup theory -- Evolutionary approach -- 3. Intergroup threat theory / Walter G. Stephan, Oscar Ybarra, and Kimberly Rios Morrison -- Intergroup threat theory -- Antecedents of threat -- Consequences of threat -- Cognitive responses -- Emotional responses -- Behavioral responses

4. Automaticity and control in stereotyping and prejudice / Patricia G. Devine and Lindsay B. Sharp -- Evidence of automatic stereotype activation -- Variability of automatic intergroup biases -- Attentional processes -- Social context and social roles -- Individual differences -- Situationally induced motivational factors -- Malleability of automatic intergroup biases -- Effects of practice -- Thinking about counterstereotypic exemplars -- Motor processes and spreading attitudes -- Impact and pervasiveness of automatic biases -- Control -- Individuation -- Correction: overcoming potential bias -- Suppression: banishing stereotypes from consciousness -- Indirect and unintentional control strategies -- Self-regulation: intentional inhibition and replacement -- Limits to deliberative control strategies -- Interplay between automatic and controlled processes -- Social neuroscience approach to the study of automaticity and control -- 5. Attributions to discrimination : antecedents and consequences / Brenda Major and Pamela J. Sawyer -- Perceiving and attributing outcomes to discrimination: vigilance or minimization? -- Moderators of perceptions and attributions to discrimination -- Characteristics of the event -- Characteristics of the situation -- Characteristics of the person -- Affect -- Prejudice expectations -- Group identification -- Status-related beliefs -- Impact of perceived discrimination on self-esteem and emotional well-being -- Threat to personal identity -- Clarity of discrimination -- Group identification -- Beliefs -- Implications for interpersonal relationships -- 6. Controlling prejudice and stereotyping : antecedents, mechanisms, and contexts / Galen V. Bodenhausen, Andrew R. Todd, and Jennifer A. Richeson -- Galen v. Bodenhausen, Andrew R. Todd, and Jennifer A. Richeson -- Automatic activation of stereotypes and prejudice -- Motivational antecedents of prejudice control -- Cognitive mechanisms of prejudice control -- Executive function and self-regulation -- Controlling the initial activation of biased associations -- social contexts of control -- Interpersonal interactions -- Verbal versus nonverbal behavior -- Affective and cognitive consequences of control -- Institutional and cultural contexts -- Social norms -- Diversity ideology -- diverse environments

7. Stereotypes and shifting standards / Monica Biernat -- Shifting standards in social judgement -- Translation and the communication of subjective language -- Setting standards -- Behaving toward members of stereotyped groups -- 8. Stereotype and social identity threat / Joshua Aronson and Matthew S. McGlone -- The process of social identity threat -- The role of individual differences -- Mediating mechanisms of short-term performance -- Anxiety -- Reduced working memory and impaired self-regulation -- Expectations -- Effort -- Priming effects -- Longer term effects on achievement -- Avoidance of challenge -- Disidentification -- The pitfalls and promise of social identity salience -- beyond the academic context: athletic performance, aging an memory, political knowledge, managerial performance -- Threat-reducing interventions -- Forewarning -- Reframing the nature of ability -- Role models -- Self-affirmations -- 9. The role of entitativity in stereotyping : processes and parameters / David L. Hamilton [and others] -- Perceptions of entitativity and homogeneity -- The outgroup homogeneity effect -- The relation between similarity and stereotyping -- The relation between entitativity and similarity -- Entitativity, stereotype development, generalization, and the interchangeability of group members

10. The unbearable accuracy of stereotypes / Lee Jussim [and others] -- Accuracy of ethnic and racial stereotypes --Accuracy of gender stereotypes -- Role of stereotypes in enhancing or reducing the accuracy of person perception -- 11. Downward and upward spirals in intergroup interactions : the role of egosystem and ecosystem goals / Jennifer Crocker and Julie A. Garcia -- Stigma and self-image threat -- Social norms against prejudice -- Consequences of self-image threat -- Vigilance -- Physiological responses -- Flight responses -- Fight responses -- Emotional responses -- cognitive responses -- Self-regulation -- Downward spirals -- Goals in intergroup interactions -- Ecosystem goals -- Egosystem and ecosystem goals and disclosure of concealable stigmas -- Creating upward spirals -- 12. The stereotypic behaviors of the powerful and their effect on the relatively powerless / Theresa K. Vescio [and others] -- Stereotyping, power, and the maintenance of the status quo -- 13. Mechanisms underlying the malleability of implicit prejudice and stereotypes : the role of automaticity and cognitive control / Nilanjana Dasgupta -- Implicit attitudes are malleable -- cognitive control influences the malleability of implicit attitudes -- Accessibility of automatic associations -- Increasing the salience of group membership increases implicit bias by activating automatic associations -- Increasing the salience of counterstereotypic cues decreases implicit bias by activating different positive associations -- Specific motivations can increase or decrease implicit bias by changing in cognitive control -- Source of motivation: emotion, self-image threat and social identity threat, promotion and prevention focus, social norms global executive control -- Motivation to control prejudice

14. Intergroup emotions theory / Diane M. Mackie and Angela T. Maitner, and Eliot R. Smith -- 15. How our dreams of death transcendence breed prejudice, stereotyping, and conflict : terror management theory / Jeff Greenberg [and others] -- Terror management: theory and evidence -- TMT, prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination -- TMT and prejudice as a response to the threat of alternative worldview -- TMT and two special kinds of prejudice: sexism and ageism -- TMT and stereotyping -- TMT and the eradication of the evil other: the ultimate form of discrimination -- TMT and the psychological consequences of prejudice -- TMT and other approaches to understanding of prejudice -- Individual differences -- Realistic group conflict theory -- Scapegoat theory -- Social identity theory -- Just World and system justification theories -- Social cognitive approaches -- TMT and the amelioration of prejudice and intergroup conflict -- 16. You were always on my mind : how event-related potentials inform impression formation research / Jennifer T. Kubota and Tiffany A. Ito -- Understanding ERPS -- Social categorization -- Individuation -- Moderation of early visual processing -- Perception of racially ambiguous faces

17. Pictures in our heads : contributions of fMRI to the study of prejudice and stereotyping / David M. Amodio and Matthew D. Lieberman -- Neural mechanisms of implicit prejudice -- Neural correlates of implicit stereotyping -- Neurocognitive mechanisms of control -- Inhibition of race-biased emotion -- Neural basis of intergroup person perception -- Neural substrates of ingroup versus outgroup perception -- Neural basis of outgroup empathy -- 18. Measures of prejudice / Michael A. Olson -- Racial Attitudes Scale (RAS) -- Attitudes Toward Blacks (ATB) -- Attitudes toward Whites (ATW) -- Pro-black / anti-black attitudes questionnaire -- Subtle and blatant prejudice scales -- The modern racism scale -- More recent measures of modern and symbolic racism -- Distal measures -- Measure of motivation -- Priming measures -- IAT (Greenwald et al., 1998) -- 19. Racism in the 21st century / Michael A. Zárate -- Racism and ethnicity -- Racism in the workplace -- Ethnic cleansing -- Essentialism -- Social identity theory -- Social categorization -- Stereotype confirmation -- Confrontational approaches -- Collective approaches to prejudice reduction -- Common ingroup identity -- Multiculturalism

20. Sexism / Janet K. Swim and Lauri L. Hyers -- Gender differences -- Feminist theories of gender socialization -- Gender stereotypes -- Traditional gender roles -- Modern sexism and neosexism -- Reactions toward feminism and feminists -- Ambivalent sexism -- Beliefs supporting sexual aggression against women -- Sexist behaviors -- Judgments of women and men -- Backlash -- Social context -- Traditional gender roles -- Everyday experiences and interpersonal sexism -- Violence -- Objectification of women -- Internalization of sexism -- 21. Ageism / Todd D. Nelson -- ;The institutionalization of ageism -- Age stereotypes -- Positive intentions -- Influence of ageism on older persons -- History of ageism -- Cross-cultural differences in ageism -- 22. Sexual prejudice / Gregory M. Herek -- Sexual stigma and prejudice -- Enacted sexual stigma -- Felt sexual stigma -- Internalized sexual stigma -- Sexual prejudice -- Distinguishing sexual prejudice from other sexual orientation attitudes -- Cognitive, affective, and behavioral sources of sexual prejudice -- Sexual prejudice and beliefs about sexual minorities -- Affective sources off sexual prejudice -- Key correlates of sexual prejudice -- Gender -- Religious beliefs and affiliations -- Personal experience and relationships -- Motivations for sexual prejudice

23. Anti-fat prejudice / Christian S. Crandall, Angela Nierman, and Michelle Hebl -- Effects on mental health -- Teasing -- Self-esteem -- Education -- Workplace -- Hiring paradigms -- Promotion and pay scales -- Customer service -- Marriage, relationships, and family -- Health care -- Gender, ethnicity, culture, and social class -- Theoretical accounts of anti-fat prejudice -- Stereotype content model -- Intergroup emotions theory -- Evolutionary approaches -- System justification approach -- Justification suppression model -- Weight-based prejudice -- Social norms about expression -- Is obesity related research biased against the null hypothesis? -- 24. A common ingroup identity : a categorization-based approach for reducing intergroup bias / Samuel L. Gaertner and John F. Dovidio -- Social categorization -- Categorization and bias -- Categorization-based models of bias reduction -- The common ingroup identity model -- Common identity and the reduction of intergroup bias -- The value of a dual identity -- The Green Circle Elementary School Anti-Bias Education Program -- 25. The self-regulation of prejudice / Margo J. Monteith and Aimee Y. Mark -- Self-regulation through suppression -- Prejudice-related discrepancies -- Discrepancy-related affect -- Behavioral inhibition and retrospective reflection -- Prospective reflection and prejudice regulation in the presence of cues for control -- Application to high-prejudice individuals -- Neuroscientific evidence for the self-regulation of prejudice -- Self-regulation in intergroup interactions

26. The future of research on prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination / Susan T. Fiske [and others] -- Behavior: remember discrimination? -- Culture -- Brain

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