Employment contract in Qatar: Important points you need to know


What are the things you need to know and remember about your employment contract for working in Qatar? Here are the usual questions and answers related to the employment contract, according to MADLSA (Labor Law and Domestic Workers Law) and National Human Rights Committee (NHRC)'s Workers' Rights Booklet.

More important than your job offer letter is your employment contract. It will be the one submitted by your employer to the Ministry of Administrative Development and Social Affairs (MADLSA) or more commonly known as the Labor Ministry.

According to the Labor Law, the Employment Contract is an agreement between an Employer and a Worker, fixed-term or open-ended, whereby the worker undertakes to perform a certain work for and under the management and supervision of the Employer for Wage.

What does the basic employment contract include?

Employment contract in Qatar Important points you need to know

In June 2020, the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour & Social Affairs launched the Digital Authentication System for a Multi-lingual Employment Contract, which aims to offer an integrated digital alternative for authenticating employment contracts in companies.

Are you allowed to keep an original copy of your contract?

Employment contract in Qatar Important points you need to know

It is important to keep a true copy of the contract. Failure to obtain a copy of the contract is also a violation of labor law. To file a complaint, you should refer to the Labor Relations Department.

How can I check my employment contract?

Employment contract in Qatar Important points you need to know

Aside from obtaining a copy of your employment contract from your employer, you can also check it online at MADLSA's website: https://empcont.adlsa.gov.qa/

The online service is available in Arabic and English. You'll be asked to fill in your QID and mobile number.

What is the duration of the contract?

Employment contract in Qatar: Important points you need to know

There are two types of contracts:

What does a 'fixed-term contract' mean?

Employment contract in Qatar Important points you need to know

It means you'll be working for your employer for the agreed duration stated in the contract, which shall not exceed five years, renewable for a period or other similar periods.

After the probation period stated in the contract, neither the worker nor the employer may independently terminate the contract before the specified duration. Otherwise, it shall be deemed unlawful termination, giving the other party the right to compensation for the damages suffered.

What does an 'open or indefinite contract' mean?

Employment contract in Qatar Important points you need to know

It means you'll be working for your employer for an indefinite period of time. Either party (worker or employer) may terminate it without giving reasons at any time after the commitment period of the notice.

What is the duration of the notice in the open contract?

Employment contract in Qatar Important points you need to know

If the employment contract is indefinite (open), either party can terminate it without giving a reason, in which case the terminating party must give the other party written notice as follows: