For months you've spread the word, put signs on your lawns, signed the petition (529 strong), and written letters to the Valley Courier Editor. Then, on May 22nd, dozens of you showed up in person to the public hearing. You spoke eloquently and respectfully to Keep Hubbard Park Green! Thank you!
Our goal that night was to walk away from the meeting with a commitment from the Town to take our suggestions seriously and to keep the door open for continued conversation.
On Wednesday, June 5th, a small contingent of us attended the Selectmen’s bi-monthly meeting to learn more. The Town presented a revised design plan from the one shared at our Public Hearing. See below.
What we saw and applaud is one park entrance, no gravel for parking (although there will be some asphalt for the handicapped parking spaces) and a verbal commitment by the Town to explore a drivable turf that is successful longterm.
What’s still of concern for us are two long permanent timber guardrails (that cut off the open green play space 10 months out of the year.)
We're suggesting and sourcing removable parking bollards/stanchions that can be stored when the Little League season is over.
Although other inspired elements of the KHPG design, such as the winding trail around the Park and the addition of benches, did not make it into the Town’s revised plan—we did walk away from the meeting with an understanding from the Selectmen, that the Town.
There's no planned second public hearing, so what's left for us to do is ensure that the above two issues get done.
We’ll be following up with the Town again. As Selectwoman Stacia Libby said herself at the meeting, “We’re so close!”
Thank you for your continued support! Keep your KHPG signs up! If you have any knowledge of—or access to—sourcing temporary bollards/stanchions, please let us know!
We look forward to celebrating with you all, we hope, soon!
The Keep Hubbard Park Green Team